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The first page is not very strategic

first on Google, the difference between indexing and positioning This case helps explain the difference between indexing and positioning. If you no longer find your site on the first page of Google, it doesn't necessarily mean it has disappeared from the search engine. Indexing of the website = the pages of the website are present in the Google index which has scanned them. Website positioning = result in SERP resulting from a precise user search intention on.

Google. You might also be interested in: Website optimization, are Phone Number List doing it right? First of all, always consider what keyword you are searching for your website on Google. As I was telling you, your site could have been relegated in the ranking and slipped to the second or third page of the SERP because your competitors have strengthened themselves for the keywords you entered. Keep in mind that the reasoning you should do is reversed: writing your name on Google and seeing if it appears on . Nowadays a web search of this type no longer makes sense because the SERP is processed.

based on additional factors such as geo-location, browser settings, previous user searches, etc. Instead, you need to check whether you appear on the first page with the words that your potential customers are using to search for your products or services. So not just for the one keyword you typed in the search bar and for which you didn't get the result you were hoping for. But for all those keywords, i.e. those search terms, that your potential customers type into Google when they are looking for the service or product you offer on the market. Learn more about the keyword topic in this article. Why isn't my Wix site showing up on Google? Another reason why your website is not appearing on Google could be this. You have decided to build the website yourself and have.

Below is the content obtained through this process

It will be more effective if you further study or experience related things. Search engine optimization experience doesn’t have to be huge. For example, it can be an experience to consistently write blog posts on a topic and have them appear on the first page of search results. I think that analyzing what kind of people are the main customers who visit your blog and what kind of information they want to know and planning it yourself is similar to doing marketing work.Looking at ChatGPT's amazing writing ability, you might think that marketing writing is the end of your worries, but it's not that simple. If I just ask the AI ​​to write an article on the topic I'm thinking about and upload it, will that be the end of the problem? In the end, we need to accurately check what consumers are asking us, create the necessary content according to the consumer's intent, and ultimately expose it to the top of search engines so that consumers can induce the actions we want through the content we provide.

Therefore, marketing writing does not end with simply posting one article. Even if it Cambodia Phone Number Data doesn't lead to an immediate purchase, we need to earn the trust of consumers by providing them with exactly what they want. To do this, we need to understand what keywords consumers are searching for and for what purpose. To achieve this, we are using Listening Mind Hubble to accurately identify the topics that consumers want. As an example, we will now create content to be included in a web page related to the topic “Making Latte.” First, I searched for “latte making” in Listening Mind Hubble's Pathfinder to find out what people are interested in regarding latte making. If you look at the search results like this, you can see that there are various paths before and after “making latte.

” Search path before and after latte making Next, through the Persona View function, we discovered that there were personas related to making latte art and decided to group them together to plan one content. We decided to ask questions and answers by inserting this search keyword cluster into ChatGPT. After searching for latte making, I found interest groups related to “Latte Art” through Persona View. The prompt used for this is as follows. This content has not been edited at all. The image in the middle is an image created with Midjourney Version5. Look at the keyword sequence provided below, create related questions for each keyword, and answer the questions in about 100 to 130 words to create content that will fill one web page.



结果:在许多企业都在挨饿的时候,Anie 的总体收入增长了 50% 以上。 安妮也有一点幸运吗?你打赌。在每个人都被告知要勤洗手的时候,她却卖肥皂。但她之所以成功,是因为她足智多谋、适应能力强,使用了共益企业( B Corp) ——为当地具——还因为她的公司拥有有效的在线形象。 共益企业更有可能在市场动荡中生存下来 充满希望的怪物有时可以成为一个物种的主导形式。很难说安妮家族是否会统治未来,但很可能我们的COVID-19时代的一些特征——脆弱的国际供应链、对离岸外包的保留、强大的本地购买情绪以及更加数字化——将会持续下去。

根据最新统计,70 个国家/地区有 Anies。他们还表现出了协作适应和坚韧的能 科威特 手机号码 力:《福布斯》杂志援引最近的统计数据称,共益企业在上一次市场大动荡( 2008-09 年经济衰退)中幸存下来的可能性高出 63% 。总之,他们无处不在,齐心协力,顽强拼搏。 对我来说,“充满希望的怪物”安妮看起来就像未来。在 BDC,我们每天都能看到拥抱多元化的企业家创造性思维的成果,而且我们始终努力言出必行。最近发生的事件使我们每个人都必须考虑我们个人以及作为企业主可以做些什么来积极拥抱和促进包容性。

为了蓬勃发展,我们需要不断挑战自己,做得更好,为此,我们必须接受许多不同的意见、想法和观点。 我们每个人都能做出改变的一种方法是留意您选择参加和主办的活动。以下五个提示可帮助您创建更具包容性的活动,无论这些活动是因COVID-19而举办的虚拟活动,还是最终恢复面对面的活动: 吸引多元化的组委会:在活动策划过程的每一步都有很多机会推动多元化和包容性,与多元化的组委会合作至关重要。您可以一起寻找机会并标记可能的盲点。


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